Q. Delivery Time
A. Normally, delivery time based on the township, cities and states. For example, Yangon can be done
Q. How do I know my order is shipped ?
A. The system will notice you via SMS as the order is being ship.
Q. Khit Zay delivers out of Yangon ?
A. Yes we will deliver within the logisitic partners are available. The list can be seen in Available States and Divisions.
Q. Can I change my address during my order is shipping ?
A. The changing address of delivery location can be done before your order was confirmed.
Q. Can my order deliver to the office address ?
A. Yes we can. And the exact shipping address should be provided before order has confirmation.
Q. Will somebody contact me before my order delivery ?
A. Yes our logistics and delivery team will contact for sending the parcels.
We will provide the exact list detail after discussion with Logistics Partners.